Realizza [Finalmente] la trasformazione digitale con Direct Impact Solutions.

Direct Impact Solutions è un leader globale nello sviluppo, nell’integrazione e nell’ottimizzazione di soluzioni personalizzate finalizzate alla trasformazione digitale delle aziende, utilizzando piattaforme low-code e tecnologie web.


Scalabilità veloce

Sviluppo low-code con OutSystems. Per realizzare rapidamente applicativi aziendali a prezzi accessibili, in modo rapido, corretto e a prova di futuro.

Applicativi Web

Funzionalità cross-dispositivo

Accedere a eComm, operazioni, attività tecniche sul campo e altro ancora, attraverso vari dispositivi. Costruisci un applicativo web personalizzato.

Claris FileMaker

Innovazione del posto di lavoro

Costruisci, estendi o aggiorna un applicativo personalizzato utilizzando FileMaker, Laravel e Claris Connect. Possiamo supportarti con sviluppatori, licenze, formazione, hosting e altro ancora.

Fiducia da parte di oltre 2175 clienti in tutto il mondo

Perché lavorare con noi?

Stephen Ward
I'm not sure where to begin because there has been so much reward and benefit to working with Direct Impact. I believe we started working together in 2019 with DIS as a primary developer on a project we were working through in Filemaker. Since then we have stayed connected through education partnerships and complicated development issues. Weihao in particular has not only given top tier workmanship and efficiency, but has been in key in developing our team to be better streamlined, organized and intentional. Our company would not be the same without him. I truly cannot express enough praise for this company. If you own a business, you know the true gold of great partner. That's Direct Impact.
rene stratton
Great customer service, knowledge and experience. Amazing company to work with.
marc-andré Perron
Notre entreprise René Perron ltee utilise leur service depuis 4 ans et nous continuerons de le faire. Service rapide , équipe proactive qui permet de régler un problème rapidement ou de développer un projet efficacement. Merci à toute votre équipe
Julie Desautels
Un excellent service!
Odette Bélanger
Je connais Direct Impact depuis presque ses débuts. C’est une équipe fantastique. Philippe (Lazzaroni) est un leader-né, mais Patrick (Daneau) y est aussi pour quelque chose. Ces deux collaborateurs se complètent et ont toujours offert un service client exceptionnel. Du savoir-faire (beaucoup de compétence), beaucoup d’écoute, de l’humour et surtout, la réelle volonté de trouver des solutions qui conviennent aux besoins et aux budgets des organisations. Je n’hésite jamais à les recommander à tous ceux qui cherchent une base de données ou un CRM fiable. Petite mention également pour Martin Savard, avec qui c’est toujours un plaisir de travailler, quelqu’un qui comprend bien souvent les questions avant qu’on les pose! Je ne nomme pas tous les collaborateurs avec qui j’ai eu l’occasion de parler, mais ce sont tous des personnes qui comprennent qu’avant l’informatique, il y a l’humain. Bravo et merci à Direct Impact!
Bre-Anne Newby
Direct Impact have worked with my company for years (decades!) and we could not have asked for a better partner. Their entire team is attentive, kind, and of course, knowledgeable. I wouldn't think twice about whether or not to work with them - the answer is always yes.
Mathieu Alarie
An amazing company offering flexibility, quality services and making sure, at all steps of the software development project to comply to 100% with our needs. Fully satisfied with DIS and its team.
Lucie Desrochers
À l’emploi depuis près de 10 ans, Direct Impact Solutions me permet de faire une transition tout en douceur vers la retraite en m’accordant un horaire allégé et flexible. Les dirigeants ont à cœur le bien-être de ses employés et je suis fière d’en faire partie.

Perché scegliere un software personalizzato?

Vi presentiamo il nostro nuovo programma di affiliazione

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Direct Impact Solutions è un partner OutSystems, Toca e Claris Platinum, oltre ad essere un membro dell’Apple Consultants Network (ACN).