Direct Impact Solutions is pleased to sponsor the Quebec FileMaker Developers Conference (CQDF) that will take place on June 18 and 19, 2024 at the ITHQ facilities in Montreal.
This annual gathering, organized by the Regroupement FMQC.CA, allows participants to deepen their knowledge of the FileMaker platform, share their experiences, discuss and meet high-level technical users and developers, in a friendly atmosphere. Founded in 2003, the Regroupement FMQC.CA offers technological presentations as well as various services to its members. The organization represents more than 150 members joining a pool of more than 5,000 FileMaker users in Quebec.
This year, the CQDF is offering sessions in both French and English. In fact, 15 sessions and topos about the FileMaker platform will be presented in French, while 4 will be in English, for a total of 19. The panel of invited speakers comes from Italy, France, the United States, Ontario, and Quebec. An unmissable conference which, once again, has a unique international character.
To learn more about the event or to register, click here.