Nancy Jacobsen: A Journey of Learning and Leading

Nancy Jacobsen employee spotlight

They say that the moment we stop learning, we lose a little of our passion for life. Nothing could be truer for Nancy Jacobsen.

When Nancy joined Direct Impact Solutions ten years ago, she started in sales where she honed her skills in fostering business relationships, a testament to her innate ability to understand and meet client needs.

However, fueled by an insatiable curiosity, she yearned to understand the intricacies of operations, leading her to transition into a hybrid role. While still maintaining a hand in sales and business development, three years ago she also took on the position of Director of Transformation Projects where she oversees a team of developers.

What makes Nancy tick? You may have already guessed. It’s a thirst for knowledge. Wanting to grow both personally and professionally, she enrolled in AltMBA, a 30-day intense leadership program.

“The biggest takeaway for me from Alt MBA was how do you make work matter,” says Nancy.

This is something that she continues to take to heart, making work matter for herself, for her team, and for her clients – talk about a triple whammy with a win/win/win for all!

A Balanced Life is a Happy Life

And while making work matter truly does matter, Nancy knows that a life/work balance is also important. Outside the office, you’ll find her crushing it on the tennis court, enjoying a quick run, or discovering her Zen through meditation and yoga. But nothing beats hanging out with her two daughters, ages 10 and 14. She knows that time flies and cherishes every moment.

So, what’s her secret sauce? It’s simple: keep learning, keep growing, and never stop pushing yourself. Oh, and did we mention she’s a pro at leading others to become leaders too?

In a nutshell, Nancy’s journey is all about embracing change, nurturing curiosity, and never losing sight of what truly matters. As she navigates the wild ride of the corporate world, she’s a shining example of how a little bit of grit and a whole lot of heart can take you places.

Cheers to Nancy, the ultimate champion of growth and positivity!